
Buried How To Free Huckleberry & Tricks He Does

2015-05-30 4 Dailymotion

Buried How To Free Huckleberry & Tricks He Does,Black Ops 2 Zombies Buried Tips & Tricks Huckleberry does much more than we think

So when you spawn you just want to drop all the way down to the main part of the map outside the prison.

Just left of the box go up them stairs and jump over so your on the second floor of the sheriffs office drop down and grab the key and open the cell door.

So if you feed him booze hi will break barriers but you have to point him in the opposite direction.

Feed him sweets near a crawler he will pick him up and pet him so you dont have to look after him

Feed him sweets near a table he will run off and collect all the parts and build something for you

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