Book - Chapter 2:- Men of Letters being drunk with the old wine, are "Super Donkeys" carrying Holy Books - 6.

2015-05-27 1 Dailymotion

Book - Chapter 2:- Men of Letters being drunk with the old wine, are "Super Donkeys" - 6.

I have tried to help the book-Gnostics explain such simple passages but them being of the type worse than the Moses' priests of letters hate me much more than the blind man experienced in his ordeal. We all know that a person without "spirit" is dead and the people who are full of the old wine of letters, as the present university theologians are, may be best described as the super donkeys, the most stupid animal, carrying Holy Books and one example of such donkeys was the Moses' Priests of letters, who called Jesus a Satan. Now, the things of spirit being opposite to those of the flesh, the Spiritual Principles, i.e. 'His Word' are opposite in narration to the moral laws of Moses; a fact that Jesus exploited to mock the Pharisees and Sadducees e.g. Matt.19, the parable of marriage and divorce. In this context, think of the university theologians who teach the New Testament by the letters. For it makes no sense in letters at all against the moral laws of Moses which make sense in letters, the present academic theologians are a breed of "super donkeys" and their poor stable keepers, the vice-chancellors also being the men of letters won't let a living Gnostic enter into their fold lest their "super donkey" Mammon-orientated breeding process is stifled. Some of the obvious effects of this academic Christianity of Mammon are:-

1. People call Jesus to be their Lord and God but they take great pride in the export of weapons to the poor third world countries. In America, even the Presidents are toppled if their armament factories cannot run.

2. Now, in God we love and serve people whilst in Mammon kill and rule over them. Thus, the churches of these countries being national rather than international or Universal, their archbishops honour the dead soldiers of their countries as to have glorified God and their main cathedrals are full of the statues of those people who helped establish the empires e.g. St. Paul's cathedral in London is full of the statues of those soldiers who killed others in the third world countries for the sake of Mammon and there is not a single statue of a person who served the poor in the name of Jesus even in the manners of Bro. William Booth of the Salvation Army.

3. Their countries have the highest number of abortions which is infanticide - Matt.19.

All the above facts point out that the God of such nations is not the loving Father of Jesus but the killer Mammon. Mammon was also the God of Moses' Priests who hated Jesus but sang the songs of His Father. The above crystal clear facts are known to many but hardly a few speak out their mind; Logo 23: Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one", i.e. the men of spirit who honour Jesus are very very rare indeed.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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