
How To Make Money- Instant Payday Network - Step Three

2015-05-26 2 Dailymotion

How To Make Money, Instant Payday Network - Step Three

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How To Make Money, Instant Payday Network - Step Three

Hi everyone, this is the most important step that you need to do to make sure that everything is setup properly. Click on step three when you're on my capture page and it will take you to a form that you will fill in to create your free account, which gives you your back office. Most of it is straightforward but the most important part is to fill in the bits where it says EXPRESS MCF i.d and DOUBLE MCF i.d.

To find your EXPRESS MCF i.d and DOUBLE MCF i.d you need to sign in to your Express My Cash Freebies account here http://express.mycashfreebies.com and your Double My Cash Freebies here http://double.mycashfreebies.com

To find your i.d on Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies, scroll down the page to your referral link and copy the numbers at the end of your link (there should be six) paste your express one from your express referral link into the box that says EXPRESS MCF I.D and your double into the box that says DOUBLE MCF I.D

When you fill in the box that says username, make sure you pick a good one because whatever you pick will go at the end of your referral link.

Once you've filled out the form and created your account, make sure you bookmark the page so you can come back to it and sign into your back office. Here's the link to the signing in page http://instantpaydaynetwork.com/admin/login.php

Step four is optional and it costs money to join. If you do join, you need to put your I.D in the box that says Empower Network I.D. If you don't join you need to put in the name of the person you signed up under, so if you sign up under me you put my name int there if you don't sign up to step four.