
Symptoms and effects of necrotizing fasciitis

2015-05-15 63 Dailymotion

Twenty-five-year-old Aimee Copeland recently acquired a new pair of bionic hands after losing both her hands, left leg and right foot from necrotizing fasciitis, a rare flesh-eating disease, according to a CNN report.

This animation explains how a person can become infected with necrotizing fasciitis and how the disease affects the body.

Necrotizing fasciitis can be caused by many different kinds of bacteria, but according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is most commonly caused by the group A Streptococcus bacteria.

The bacteria enters body through a break in the skin such as a cut, scrape or insect bite. A healthy person with a strong immune system has a low chance of contracting the disease, but those with compromised immune systems are more likely to be infected. For example, those who are already suffering from diabetes, kidney disease, cancer, or other chronic health conditions.

Once it enters the body the bacteria spreads quickly, infecting the fascia, or connective bands of tissue around muscles, nerves, fat and blood vessels. An infected person might experience symptoms as soon as a few hours after an injury, including fatigue, chills, vomiting and fever. They might also feel pain and soreness around the site of the wound. The skin could be warm to the touch, with red and purple areas of swelling. Ulcers, blisters or black spots might also appear on the skin.

Strong antibiotics can be injected into a vein to combat the bacteria, but it may not act fast enough to fight the infection, which means surgery is necessary to quickly remove dead tissue to keep the disease from spreading.

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