
Pickup artist Julien Blanc faces backlash for video of him pushing girls down on his junk in Japan

2015-05-11 112 Dailymotion

Julien Blanc, is the latest in a long line of self-titled ‘pickup artists’ to try and invade Asia.

He's apart of a company called Real Social Dynamics which is supposedly a “leader in dating advice”, but by the looks of those attending the seminars, they'll need more of a miracle than any advice anyone could give.

Blanc is apparently another one who picked up a book called “The Game”, a book written by Neil Strauss about the "secret society of pickup artists", applied its quasi-pyschological, quasi-scattalogical techniques and now he’s off teaching other losers this epiphany.

He's been to Japan before and then gave a seminar entitled “White Male F***s Asian Women in Tokyo" and is seen teaching his methods which mostly look like "how to be a woman hater, borderline rapist, and all around misogynist jerk in 5 easy steps.

He usually starts by closing in on the target and putting his hands on them… and then starts pushing them towards his junk. He's even seen on video doing it to a convenience store clerk. But according to Jake Adelstein of the Japan Subculture Research Center, his "pickup tactics" would most likely be considered a crime in Japan, most likely 強制わいせつ (kyoseiwaisetsu/sexual assault) or 準強制わいせつ (Forcible Indecency, Quasi Forcible Indecency). To spell it out succinctly: a person who through assault or intimidation forcibly commits an indecent act upon male or female shall be sentenced to hard labor for not less than six months but not more than ten years.

Now just in the last 24 hours, Anonymous, Occupy and a host of other individuals and organizations have formed groups to make sure Julien Blanc can’t peddle his lame game anywhere, and they’ve already successfully gotten the Melbourne hotel to cancel his talk.

We’d try to send a reporter to his business location to get an interview with someone from his company except the address listed at the bottom of his website in West Hollywood is for a building that hasn’t existed in at least 6 months.

So M