

2015-04-28 20 Dailymotion

Why are you Western women TEMPTING men! you whores!!!
why can't you all just wear the veil/burka/hijab like the good Muslim women?
Why do you Muslim women who don't wear the veil dress modestly!!!
You whores in your photos,movies, with your sensual bodies!!! how dare you show your beauty on display!!! COVER UP NOW!!!
You females have a reputation worldwide!!
I wish I could say I'm joking, but I'm not. There are droves of guys who think a woman who wears a t shirt, shorts,fitted top is a "whore". A girl who takes dance lessons is partaking in "whore like behaviour".
These guys don't live in the caves of Afghanistan, the majority enjoy the benefits of being American,British,French,German citizens. They love to live in "infidel" lands but bring the very ignorance they grew up on. Wake up from your morning shows, and your Beyonces,and your Garth Brooks...go do a search on Youutube on these "Islamic" lectures and you will be baffled.
Also, you Muslim girls in the west are included in the "whore" category as well. As long as you were raised in the whore nations of "America" "UK" "france" and the like...youre not exempt.
I AM URGING AMERICANS AND OTHER NATIONS TO STOP IMPORTING RADICALS AND PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW RADICAL IDEOLOGY! if they had it their way, all of us would be walking in burkas! And this is coming from a Muslim! Even Muslims are not safe around these radical Muslims. Don't be fooled by fake smiles and hellos, they see you as infidels. That is why they will never integrate in the culture.
Your music is trash to them
your women are whores to them
your food is despicable to them
your clothes are the devils clothes
your "freedom" irks their nerve..because freedom to them means...a free pass to be a "whore". When they hear "freedom"..they think of whores! in bikinis ! because thats what they are obsessed with..bikinis! it's like they have a secret lust for bikinis! Unless you ignorant American and Europeans and other lands get SMART! your countries will resemble Afghanistan!