
Booming stock markets and implications 글로벌 주식 과열 증상 배경과 전망

2015-04-23 19 Dailymotion

Front Page
Booming stock markets and implications
Korea's bourses have been reaching new highs, and many other key indices are seeing similar booms especially in Asia. Why the influx of capital into the stock
market, and are we looking at an overheated market? Former Secretary-General of the OECD Donald Johnston joins us for more on this matter.

Asia In Depth
Effects of wage hikes
As part of its efforts to revive the economy and put it on an upward cycle, Tokyo has been pushing large firms to raise their wages. Will it lead to a trickle-up
effect and boost domestic spending, and where does Korea stand on pay raises? We bring an in-depth report from Japan.