
'You Have Been Warned'_ Patriot Takes Podium At County Commissioners Meeting!

2015-04-23 3 Dailymotion

Please read more about what we can do to take back our country: http://bit.ly/1bxcedL

Please join our Group @Seen.is https://seen.is/group/898

The mission is simple. We The People are fed up with the lawlessness of our elected officials, and we’re going to take back our country one county at a time. We must get in front of our local elected officials and put them on notice of what their obligation is under the Oath of Office they have sworn to. Let’s face it, going to Washington, DC has proven to be a waste of time, and not everyone in the USA can afford to take time off work or travel to DC in the numbers we need to effect change. This process will be peaceful, lawful, but most importantly, in strict conformity with the U.S. Constitution.

For more information about this emergency campaign to save our country, please tune in to The Pete Santilli Show

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