
Flow Trajectories, Displacement and Stress Animations SolidWorks

2015-04-16 1 Dailymotion

This board can withstand 10 m/s (36 Km/h, 22.5 mph) winds head-on without yielding, recommended range 0-30 Km/h or 0-19 mph (theoretically*).

This board was designed using SolidWorks, CFD results were obtained by passing dry air at STP and 50% humidity, over the board at 10 m/s head-on using SolidWorks Flow Simulation Premium. Then it's physical effects on the board were calculated using FEA in SolidWorks Simulation Premium.

This shows potential power of SolidWorks, CAD + CFD + FEA all in one, paperless projects. :)

*The validation of results need at least one real experiment only then you will be 100% sure of what is happening and how far (or near) is your solution from the simulation

Parts here: https://grabcad.com/library/display-hoarding-cad-cfd-fea-using-solidworks-1