
Jesus opened the Narrow Gate to the Royal Kingdom of God with Gospel Key. Thus, in Jesus, we need Fellowships and not he

2015-04-16 22 Dailymotion

Jesus opened the Narrow Gate to the Royal Kingdom of God with Gospel Key. Thus, in Jesus, we need Fellowships and not hese organised Churches of Satan for slavery.

Hi Brethren,

I also Preach Christianity and here is a simple question:-

Luke 16v16 states that Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist. Afterwards the Narrow Gate for the solitary to the Royal Kingdom of God was opened by Jesus through Gospel Key. That means there is no law after John, the Baptist as the Rabbis had become spiritually blind and no transgression amounting to sin. So, in Jesus, we need twice-born people of spirit as demonstrated in John 9, the born-blind person whose eyes were opened by Jesus with Spittal. One of the Pharisee admitted that he is not blind and so did things wrong knowingly committing Blasphemy. Thus, in Jesus Blasphemy counts and not sins. So, anyone who talks in terms of sins in the name of Jesus, he is anti-christ but we are to expose Blasphemy or hypocrisy in the Light of Gospel. And Gospel is not that cheap as people may think because it rests in our hearts and not in the Books or Scriptures that are letters.

So, tell me please what part your Pastor plays in the Ministry of Christ Jesus? Is he a solitary person?

Riots in the world are created by psychic seeking their own praises and they deliver sugar-coated sermons of Falsehoods for their popularity. Whereas Gospel is a very bitter Pill that the people like politicians cannot take. All their voters would leave him with no chance of becoming an M.P. next term. So, you see where the sons of Most High Satan are leading them and their supporters!!!!

Solitary of clean-desiring hearts go for the Narrow Gate to the Royal Kingdom of God where our Father has Planted the True Vine Christ Jesus. This is by the grace of our Father as very Few have an impartial heart of a little child and mostly people are clever wiser than our Father. In which case, they reject the Will of our Father and promote their own wills and suffer.

Today, Matt.13v24-30 is taking shape and the Tares, the Jews outwardly unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the Devils, are being getting Bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning. These Devil Jews, John 8v44, sowed the seed of Terrorism by killing Jesus and today they are being brought back to Harvest the Fruit of the Huge Tree of Terrorism that will End this Age through Atomic War. Nobody can harm Israel till it is 70 years old but after that no protection.

I have answers to most problems such as of Boko Haram created by the Nigerians themselves by circumcising the men as well as the women making them the sons of Most High Devil. Circumcision is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and his "seed" only and none else or they become the fake sons of Isaac, the devils.

Much more I can tell through the power of holy spirit but no customers. Gospel will be Preached before the End of the World.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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