
The way of teaching (How to teach dedicated to all teachers)

2015-04-09 6 Dailymotion

Being a teacher can be fun especially for people that really like and enjoy that profession. They can share or deliver knowledge they have to others. Unfortunately, some teachers need to deal with very naughty students that don’t respect teachers and don’t want to study. If you’re also a teacher and you get the some case, you can deal with them by doing things mentioned here.

First is treating them as friends. They might act badly to get your attention. Try to get to know them personally. Ask about their life; who knows they also have problem so they express their stress by being naughty.

If needed, invite them to come to your house on the weekend. Have a party for them. Show that you love them so they’ll respect you too. When you teach, use your sense of humor. Who knows that your students feel that you’re an awkward teacher that makes them lazy to study?

You can also deal with naughty students by showing that you’re very angry. You might warn them verbally but if they still don’t listen to you, you can give them a detention or additional assignment. This way they’ll know that you are serious.

If those ways aren’t successful, you need to call their parents to discuss about the students’ naughtiness. In addition, you can also use Tibetan singing bowls while teaching. Those tools are potential to influence mind including relaxing the mind of your naughty students.

Never give up teaching your students. Prove that you’re a good teacher that can educate students successfully and handle students’ naughtiness.