Royal Chris Unlimited Corp Compensation Plan - PIÑA Android app is NOT utilizing your monthly minutes or roaming charges if you call through these app and by using this in daily life as an alternative calling method for national and international calls including land lines.
Learn more of this Android App:
The era of using actual land line telephones have all but come to an end. These days if you don’t have a mobile phone then you are considered old school. However, we are getting closer and closer to a day when making phone calls won’t cost us any money and they take place solely on data connections instead of wireless phone signals. Some people are already researching how to do just that and that is likely why you’re here. The good news is Royal Chris Unlimited Corporation has designed and developed PIÑA Android app to make free calls on Android!
Where ever you are in the world, these PIÑA Android app is your best companion to keep you in touch with your family and friends here or abroad whatever telecommunication network they are tied up with. PIÑA Android app is not utilizing your monthly minutes or roaming charges if you call through these app.
How to use this app:
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