Two pandas at the Sichuan Giant Panda Research Center in China recently surprised breeders after achieving a record-breaking, lovemaking session.
The two pandas, Lulu and Zhen Zhen, knocked themselves out with an amorous display that lasted a record seven minutes and 45 seconds. It's the longest two pandas have ever copulated at the panda research center and admiring breeders gave Lulu the nickname 'Enduring Brother.'
Pandas are notorious cold fish in the sack, frustrating breeders who want to produce cute, baby pandas. There's probably not much panda breeders haven't tried in order to coerce pandas into mating. Which is why the impressively long sex session has given breeders a reason to celebrate.
At seven minutes and 45 seconds, Lulu's performance is a few seconds longer than the average couple in New Mexico, which tops the US for 'longest-lasting' state.
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