Wrestlewars proudly presents to you the companies first ever ppv
World Heavyweight Championship
Elimination Chamber
Rob Riot(C) vs Firestorm Johnathan Mills vs Jesse Styles vs LA Child vs Drimstone vs Gary Love
(order of entrance was determine by a 6 man over the top battle at battleGround #4)
World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Elimination Tag
The Bastards(C)(Billy Folwer/Frank Windsor) vs The Brodys(Danny and Branden Brody)
HardCore Championship
Rip Carter vs Mason Stockholm
Tag Team Match
The Empire(Retro Rob/Ed Sweeton vs Party Starters(Trenton MacBeth and Bailey Cross)
Number 1 contender-ship for the hardcore Title
Extreme Rules
Viktor Moreux vs Jimmy Cannon
A Futures Fatal Fourway Match
Jack Ramses vs Damien Amano vs Mike Anderson vs Whale Jones