
Battlefield Hardline Applying Custom Guide How to get Custom Emblem Battlefield Hardline Emblem

2015-03-24 35 Dailymotion

Battlefield Hardline Applying Custom Emblem Guide "How to get Custom Emblem Battlefield Hardline" To get a custom Emblem on Battlefield Hardline or Battlefield 4 you need to follow this Battlefield Hardline Custom Emblem Guide. I will put instructions on how to get a custom Emblem for all Browsers. This Battlefield Hardline And Battlefield 4 Custom Emblem guide is awsome.

Battlefield Hardline Applying Custom Emblem Guide "How to get Custom Emblem Battlefield Hardline"

Battlefield Hardline And Battlefield 4 allows players to create their own custom emblem on Battlelog. The emblem in turn will then appear in-game on either a players weapons, occupied vehicle, or a player's screen who has been killed by the emblem's owner.

1: Head on over to http://emblemsbf.com/ and select one of the many Battlefield emblems. Simply highlight the code and copy it Control + C

2: In a separate window/tab, navigate to Battlelog, sign in, and select “Customize Emblem” in the soldier section. Create a new emblem, and then hit
Control + Shift + J in Google Chrome
Ctrl-Shift-K for Firefox
F12 in Internet Explorer which will open up the console for the web page.customize-bf4-emblem

3: Go to the bottom of the console page, and paste the code Control + V that you copied from the emblem page. Hit Enter. Done

On Newer Versions Of Firefox you will need to type allow paste

The Minion

The Site http://emblemsbf.com/

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