
US Criminal Government: The War Provocation Against Russia and China; Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

2015-03-22 29 Dailymotion

[http://smtp.antelecom.net/blogs/bsmrapaiva/ (Marquis Who's Who In America (1999-2015);
Who's Who in the World (2002-2015)]
Who's Who In Science and Engineering (2000-2015)

NATO Members leave to join New Asian (Infrastructure Investment Bank (BRICS-AIIB): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_Infrastructure_Investment_Bank in March 2015
America Out of Control [Gen. Wesley Clark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp3OLjptnR0]

Dealing with High Treason and Murder:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rem-4ioGWlg&list=UUDfAYLjEynfYyz3olgyEunw; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYXbKQQc7s8

NATIONAL SECURITY ALERT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5FhQc-LJ-o;

Russia Under Attack [Paul Craig Roberts]

While Washington works assiduously to undermine the Minsk agreement that German chancellor Merkel and French president Hollande achieved in order to halt the military conflict in Ukraine, Washington has sent Victoria Nuland to Armenia to organize a “color revolution” or coup there, has sent Richard Miles as ambassador to Kyrgyzstan to do the same there, and has sent Pamela Spratlen as ambassador to Uzbekistan to purchase that government’s allegiance away from Russia. The result would be to break up the Collective Security Treaty Organization and present Russia and China with destabilization where they can least afford it. For details go here: http://russia-insider.com/en/2015/03/18/4656

Thus, Russia faces the renewal of conflict in Ukraine simultaneously with three more Ukraine-type situations along its Asian border.

And this is only the beginning of the pressure that Washington is mounting on Russia.