
PokemonPets Cinematic Game Trailer - Pokemon Online Game - Pokemon MMORPG Game - Browser Based

2015-03-16 1 Dailymotion

You can start playing at the link below!
http://www.pokemonpets.com - http://www.pokemonpets.com/Register

Ok guys if you are looking to play free Pokémon games , unblocked games , online Pokemon games the game you definitely need to check out is PokemonPets

The home page of Pokemon Pets : http://www.pokemonpets.com

What features does it have? Well it has so many but I will list some of them

All 721 Pokemon + All Mega Forms + Other Pokemon Forms + Shiny Form Of All Pokemon to capture, battle, train, build teams and do PvP battles with other players

One another awesome side of Pokemon Pets when compared to other games, the awesome HQ Pokemon artworks

Exactly 520 awesome planned game maps. Yes very big game world to explore, travel : http://www.PokemonPets.com/Maps

When it comes to browser based mmo games, Pokemon Pets is definitely one of the best. Because it has so many security systems , advanced game mechanics and strong game servers that you will not find at many other online pokemon mmo rpg games

PokemonPets is a massively multiplayer pc game however it can be played on any platform (best on computer though) that has an internet connection and a decent browser

By far the PokemonPets one of the best free online games at pokemon mmorpg genre games

It requires a lot of strategy to play this game. It has so many natures, abilities so you can come up with a lot of cool team setups : http://www.PokemonPets.com/Natures

It is very similar to Pokemon fire red in terms of game playability however still as cool as pokemon x and y

Well if you do not have visual boy advance or money to purchase pc game you must definitely check out Pokemon Pets @ http://www.PokemonPets.com/Register

The game is free to play forever and you can obtain anything you want in the game. It lists all Pokemon at several pages like pokemon lists : http://www.pokemonpets.com/PokemonList

Playing PokemonPets is rather easier than other games online. Why? It has an integrated chat screen that you can chat with other game players and learn what you need to accomplish. Also there is a dedicated game forum for the game that you can read a lot of stuff and ask : http://forum.pokemonpets.com/ . Like in pokemon x you search the game maps. Navigation at the game screen would be faster if you keep pressing w,a,s,d keys or navigation buttons. However it need a pokemon wiki to be setup :(

When typing be careful and do not make mistakes such as typing "free gams" or "mmorg" or "poke mon" haha these are funny typos :D you may type pkmonpets however it would fail so be careful :D

PokemonPets do not have any pokemon fusion in the game only official pokemon

Its pokedex is way better than pokemon pokedex believe me : http://www.PokemonPets.com/Pokedex

PokemonPets definitely one of the best among browser games to play. If you are looking for good browser based games then try PokemonPets. Yes I know I said many times try but you should try it before decide xD

It has so many pokemon dragons to capture also. They are all awesome designs

This game can also be quite the correct one if you are searching for addicting games however be careful always when playing games!

3d video games may be better than this game however sometimes you may want just some oldschool game to play or you may not have hardware or money so Pokemon Pets is a good choice at those times

Anyway reply this thread if you tried this web game and you can also compare it to new pokemon games there are like pokemon omega ruby. Also you can make comparisons of other adventure games , freegames that requires no download , computer games , rpg games , browsergames , free games to play.... and the list goes on. You understood its genre :)

Few notes : we do not suggest you that play this game from school or work. there shouldn't be any school games or work games. However if you have breaks and you want to stress out a little bit you may try. Top mmo rpg game PokemonPets may be relaxing for you. This one is the one that you should definitely look among online games. It can be quite addictive however i don't suggest any addication to the games. the play time should be reasonable always. Playing this game is really fun so be careful how much time you spent for playing. Also i tell you that this game's Pokemon are cooler than pokemon cards ^^

One final note : You may say that this game so common but we want something unique so we offer you sister game called as MonsterMMORPG (2000+ unique monster designs) : http://www.monstermmorpg.com a true pokemon online rpg game alike that has thousands of players

music / song - credits / source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekp7QW4RRJs