
How to install jdk and set path for java in windows 8 and windows 10

2015-03-13 575 Dailymotion

Hello friends
today we are discussing how to set path for run java program.
first of all instal java program if you have no java backup then go to google
and write java jdk

i have already download java jdk set up so lets start

double click java jdk set up
and then instalation process start as you can see

instal java jdk in c drive
and then click the next button
wait java jdk is installing
java jdk have been instal

so go to c drive

then go java folder and then go bin
and then right click first option and copy the address

then right click my computer go property
go to advance system setting
go envirnoment variable

paste the copy address in variable value and write any name variable name
press ok
then your java programming pata has been set

thank you
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