
Luke 16v16:- No more Prophets after John, the Baptists but Christs, the Royal Priests. They Preach Gospel from their hearts and not Books as in the Universities that produces Super Donkeys carrying Holy Books. They are Anti-Christs - 7.

2015-03-08 24 Dailymotion

Luke 16v16:- No more Prophets after John, the Baptists but Christs, the Royal Priests - 7.
"The Law and the Prophets remained until John. Since then, the good news about the Royal Kingdom of God has been proclaimed, and everyone entering it is under attack.
This is a very puzzling Saying that Prophets were until John, the Baptist who was Prophet Elijah or Angel of Israel Himself and then Who was Christ Jesus? He is NOT a Prophet as Prophets come to pull the ears of the Rabbi where they are going wrong and give instructions in the moral Laws called Muryada and thus Shri Ram Chander Ji, Moses of India, gave them lessons in Muryada, the basic tenants of the moral laws as Moses gave them Ten Commandments. Thus, Shri Ram Chander Ji is known as Muryada Parshotam Avtar (Prophet). The same applies to Moses. Now, the question is why Shri Ram Chander Ji came? To understand this, you need to know the Four Basic qualifications a person should attain for perfection. These are in the order of progression:-
1. Conscience called SHARM in Punjabi and shame in English. That is no shame or conscience; no Dharm or faith in God. The main element of shame is drawn from the family he belongs to. In order to be the salt of that family, you should keep the honour of family in mind when behaving. Thus, a person who steals puts his family to shame and so well behavior goes to people who are honest and not thiefs. Remember Judas Iscariot was thrown out of the Twelve at the last moment for he being a thief. So, people of conscience are taken by the Rabbis into their Schools or Madrissas for moral education. Thus, wherever people would have shame over there morality will prevail and not among the thieves and robbers. Remember Jesus was weighed against a robber and the Crook Temple Priests loved their own crook robber hating Christ Jesus who came from our Father to show them the Narrow Way for the solitary to Salvation, resurrection or Rest. But as the Temple Priests belongs to merciless Hell, prompted greedy people, the rich man at the gate of which Lazarus was begging for crumps fallen off his table, to fleece the poor. Temple Priests, Popes, Dog-Collared Anti-Christs love Mammon and thieves more than the poor people that were loved by the Salvation Army people. Churches dominated by Mammon such as Church of England headed by Queen, the head of Mammon is a typical example of the hypocrites.
2. Second is truth and this is acquired by those who have conscience whilst the Saltless people of no conscience are liars. So, truth is the first religious qualities attained from the Rabbi.
3. People who are truthful would not cheat the simple-minded people and “contentment” is the second religious quality. The people who are liars would cheat the people for “Greed” as it is today in this Dark Age of Christ.
4. People who are contented, they have just cleared their conscience in righteousness but they have not yet earned His Treasures that need to be presented to our Father upon death. His Treasures are earned through Merciful deeds that the cruel like the eleven brethren of Joseph lacked and they wanted to kill Joseph out of jealousy as the Temple Priests killed Jesus out of jealousy.

If you possess the basic shame and all the Three religious Qualities, then you are a perfect man that the rich young Jewish man wanted to be but the rituals in hypocrisy were not enough. Jesus asked him to be practical in life and told him to give back the fleeced money back to the poor that you have fleeced. But he pulled a long face and left him as there was nothing common between Jesus a greedy crook. On the other hand Matthew, a Levi, openly challenged the people that if he has fleeced anyone, let him come forward and he will return his money seven fold.
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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