
The Inventor of Venus Factor - John Barban Talks About Need Serious Help Losing Weight Tips

2015-03-08 1 Dailymotion

The Inventor of Venus Factor - John Barban Talks About Need Serious Help Losing Weight Tips

Kelly Hancock New York, USA Vital Stats: weight lost: 27 lbs. inches lost: 5.75” on waist, 3.5” on hips

I’m 26 and look better than ever. It’s still hard to accept that this is really how I look now. I am super happy with the way I look and am very proud of my body and my accomplishments.

In the past I didn’t look exactly the way I wanted and wasn’t able to keep the unwanted weight off. I would always gain and lose 20 pounds every year. It was depressing, frustrating and exhausting. And now? I have a six pack and slim and toned body that I can sustain all year round, but I wouldn’t be able to do that if it wasn’t for Venus Index Workout and the girls in the community.

The Venus Factor System is created in a smart, but simple to understand and follow way; it’s based on science and math, no BS. Don’t waste another second and get on board and join us too. The program will transform your body.

You see, the last thing we ever want you to feel with Venus is alone. And we promise you won’t. Actually, with Venus IMMERSION amazing friendships blossom every week, and in case you’re interested, the girls organize fun Venus Vacations for anyone that wants to meet up which is always a good time! We mean it when we say we’re all here to support you every step of the way.

Get immediate access to everything including The Venus Factor, The Venus Factor Workouts, premium video coaching lessons and Venus IMMERSION 100% risk free by clicking the red "Get Access Now" button on the right side right now to get started.


Imagine the moment you step onto this path to the ideal you.

You’re finally on your way to being free of every inch and ounce of useless body fat you’ve been burdened with for so long. At long last, you feel alive, vibrant, healthy and full of energy.

Instead of your favorite foods making you gain weight, your new metabolism now uses them as fuel to accelerate your fat burning results. Each morning you’re bursting with anticipation to step on the scale and see the weight disappearing in the bathroom mirror. You look forward to wearing the clothes you’ve always wanted to wear, and hearing the daily compliments you’re receiving. Your self confidence improves every relationship you have, the decisions you make, and even the opportunities that now come your way.

This is your new path and it’s time to realize it. Turn on your fat burning switch and claim your new metabolism, your new life, and your new future right now. Click the red "Get Access Now" button on the right side to get started.

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