
RetroPie: Configure USB Controller - Retroarch

2015-02-22 16 Dailymotion

Showing how to configure a USB controller with RetroPie using RetroArch. Also shows how to configure a shortcut key to exit out of game interface back to EmulationStation.

Part 2 is here:

A controller playlist guide is here:

Retrolink USB controller used is here:

All paths in the video relate to RetroPie 2.3 (2.4.x and 2.6.0 isnt massively different)

To run the setup scrip listed, you may need to try "cd RetroPie-Setup" then do a "ls -lah" when in there. The script should then show.

ALSO: Check this if you have updated your scripts recently (from early dec 2014 on retropie 2.3)