
You cannot blame a third person but yourself for the deaths as in Iraq. This is Age of Christ in which you must seek His Word to survive or die like flies. Partition of India and Holocausts could be avoided if people seek His Word. Blind follow others.

2015-02-19 43 Dailymotion

You cannot blame a third person but yourself for the deaths as in Iraq. This is Age of Christ in which you must seek His Word to survive or die like flies. Partition of India and Holocausts could be avoided if people seek His Word. Blind follow others.


Here is what I will do?

Soon after the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D., the Winepress, the Temple Rabbis became useless good for no other job than the Priestly. So, they decided to catch their old customers in the Church of God by jumping over the walls like a thief with the forbidden Jewish leaven, the rotten the Torah, the old cloth full of holes or corruptions and they poisoned the Church of God by making the people drunk with the old wine of the letters desiring not the New Wine, Gospel is brewed by an individual through intuition. Apostles visiting such Churches rebuked them but the Bishops installed in the fashion of the old destroyed Temple, Matt. 12v43-45, made the situation worse than before the arrival of Jesus. Popes became cruel masters and Christianity was doomed leading to the appearance of the Gentile Hazrat Mohammed Sahib and his Islam of Mullahs, INSHMULLAHS, equally strong and cruel. That led to the appearance of Second Jesus in the name of Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji in the Punjab in 1469 and He Preached Christianity or Sikhism to Perfection. In Sikhism, the Light was passed on to Five more people and they Preached Gospel for almost 150 years but still the cruel Mohammedans could not be over powered leading to the Last Fourth Prophet Royal King Gobind Singh Ji who established the last two communities of Khalsas, the Soldiers of God that used sword power to subdue the stubborn sons of Satan and Apostles, who used the Double-Edged Sword of His Word to keep the Light shining. But the most powerful sons of Satan, the Kings and Emperors of Darkness could not be subdued until the crook Mughals were over thrown by the relatively better hearted Europeans and people again enjoyed the peace of mind. Today, Matt. 13v24-30 is being fulfilled I can explain the Parables in spirit. I have written two Books; one in English ISBN 09520936 0 X and the other in my native language Punjabi; One God One Faith. Let him hear who has ears.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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Playlist:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu
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