
GERMAN Accent Tag - Deutscher Akzent Tag

2015-02-19 1 Dailymotion

YOU are now tagged! Watch this German accent video and tag others by making your own! To learn German you first need to understand the German accent! Do you know how Germans say squirrel? Not at all you say? Let me prove you wrong! Get ready for your next trip to Germany and know right away if you stand in front of a German or English speaker!

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Channel description:
Learn German, get to know Germany and German culture and have fun doing so! My videos are directed at native English speakers that want to learn about my country, its language and culture online for free! Put your dictionary and grammar books away and start studying with me instead!
My channel covers everything from beginners to expert lessons and even though I'm not a professional teacher you'll find that Get Germanized takes on a fresh approach and that looking at things from a different perspective can be key to making progress fast!
I'm a native speaker and started this channel to improve my English language skills but by now our community has grown into something that will help you reach your goals in no time and entertain you while doing so!

New videos every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday! Get ready and let's learn Deutsch together! Viel Erfolg and don't forget to Get Germanized!

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Dominik Hannekum
48827313, Packstation 109, Weher Straße 38-42, 32369 Rahden, Germany

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Words used:

Garage, herb, schedule, figure, jaguar, lieutenant, water, advertisement, vase, route, ballet, tomato, leisure, address, ate, buoy, aluminium, aunt, wash, oil, theatre, iron, salmon, caramel, fire, sure, data, ruin, crayon, toilet, New Orleans, pecan, both, again, probably, spitting image, Alabama, lawyer, coupon, mayonnaise, syrup, pyjamas, caught, squirrel, sausage.

My German translation:

die Garage, das Kraut / die Kräuter, der Plan, die Figur, der Jaguar, der Leutnant, das Wasser, die Werbung, die Vase, die Route / die Strecke, das Ballett, die Tomate, die Freizeit, die Adresse, aß, die Boje, das Aluminium, die Tante, waschen, das Öl, das Theater, das Eisen, der Lachs, das Karamell, das Feuer, sicher, die Daten, jemanden ruinieren / der Ruin, die Kreide, die Toilette, New Orleans, die Pekannuss, beide, wieder, wahrscheinlich, das Ebenbild, Alabama, der Anwalt, der Gutschein, die Mayonnaise, der Sirup, der Pyjama, gefangen, das Eichhörnchen, die Wurst.


What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
- Toilettenpapier werfen

What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
- das Wasser / der Sprudel

What do you call gym shoes?
- die Turnschuhe

What do you say to address a group of people?
- Hey Leute / Entschuldigen Sie bitte

What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval shaped body and extremely long legs?
- Widerlich

What do you call your grandparents?
(die) Oma und (der) Opa

What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
- der Einkaufswagen

What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
- Es regnet und die Sonne scheint

What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
- die Fernbedienung