
Is Your Speaking Voice Hurting Your Social Life How To Change Your Voice Corporate Speech Coaching

2015-02-18 2 Dailymotion

Don't Let Your Speaking Voice Stand in Your Way

What does your voice sound like? Probably not what you think. If you've ever heard a recording of yourself, you might not even have recognized it. But like it or not, that voice is what everyone else hears.
A voice that's too shrill, or too loud, or too weak can drive people away not allowing them to hear what you have to say.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Use a High Register
Those who speak in a lower register are more likely to succeed. Anyone, male or female, with a shrieking, squeaky voice is doomed to failure in the media. This is just as true in private life. To avoid having people tune you out, it's important to make every effort to lower the pitch of your voice.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Through Your Nose
Many people resonate their voices in the nasal cavity. Barring any physical abnormality, you can learn to correct this. Think of "placing" your voice low in the mouth when you speak. Relax your soft palate. Always take in enough air, and support your voice from the diaphragm.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Too Loudly
A loud voice can mean you're angry. It can mean you're strong and authoritative. It can even mean you're afraid. But if you constantly speak in a loud voice and never turn down the volume, it will only mean you're annoying.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Too Softly
There are times when a quiet tone of voice is appropriate. A softness to the pitch can signal intimacy and gentleness. But be careful; a speaking voice that is always very soft can signal weakness and fear.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Too Slowly
If you tend to speak just slightly slower than normal, it makes you sound deliberate and thoughtful. That's a good thing! But speaking much more slowly than normal will make you sound indifferent or stupid.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Too Fast
This is never good. People who speak too fast seem nervous or scatter-brained.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk in a Monotone
If you're a Johnny-one-note, you'll put everyone to sleep! If you put variety into your speech, others will sit up and listen.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk at a Strange Pace
If you pause at inappropriate places when you speak, you will sound confused and uncertain.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Breathe Incorrectly
You can't speak pleasantly if you're taking wimpy breaths. Fill your lungs with air, and let your diaphragm support your spoken words.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Use an Unflattering Accent
It's a fact that most people don't think they have one! And let's face it: many are extremely charming but some have developed a bad rap!
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Use an Inappropriate Tone
Whatever your spoken words, their meaning will be canceled by the tone of your voice. It's the emotion behind the words that carries the message. Make sure that your tone matches your