
How to get rid of blackheads naturally effective & fast I Best DIY instant blackhead remover I Home remedies

2015-02-18 1 Dailymotion

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Hey guys,today i will show you how to get rid off blackheads from two simple ingredients which will be easily available at home.

for this you will required
one half piece of lemon
2 tablespoon of honey

Cut the one lemon in to the half piece then dip the lemon piece in to the honey or alternatively you can also pour 2-3 drops of honey on half lemon piece.Gentaly rub the lemon honey mixture for 10 minutes on face and specially blackheads prone areas like nose, chin etc.Wash off the face with cold water.
Do the process 2-3 times a week for better and faster results.

Benefits of ingredients used in scrub:
Honey: it’s also helps to tighten large pores, fine lines and gives you a glowing effect.
lemon: it's very good for skin complexion.

How to get rid of blackhead,blackhead,DIY black head remover,naturally remove blackheads,how to remove blackheads,home remedies for blackheads,DIY skin care,DIY blackhead remover,blackhead treatment