

2015-02-17 30 Dailymotion

クラークCIP語学学校のAETA ボランティア活動様子。毎月2週目の日曜日に行われる。フィリピン留学ネイティブ英語授業CLARK CIP SCHOOL。http://www.cipclark.com/board.php?board=news
フィリピン留学口コミ評判のいい語学学校アンヘレス・クラークCIP School。ネイティブ英語からIELTSテスト対策・TOEIC留学・シニア留学・親子留学も格安費用で!
Join CIP in sharing love to the AETAS and the orphans! CIP's AETA Volunteer Activity is scheduled every 2nd Sunday of the month, while the Orphanage Volunteer Activity is scheduled every 4th Sunday of the month. During the AETA Volunteer CIP students tours the Aeta village, joins the AETAS in praise and worship and shares some donations. Also in the Orphanage Volunteer Activity, students will prepare a short presentation for the girls and the orphans will present a song and dance number for the students. Games are played and donations are also shared like school supplies, snacks and sack of rice. Come join CIP's Volunteer Programs and see you here real soon!