
Immune System - Brainwave Entrainment

2015-01-25 47 Dailymotion

Available on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id953737897
Available on Amazon: http://amazon.com/dp/B00QXLULI6/
Available on Windows: http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/5101e667-6c19-4dc7-ae73-4a1657e91749

This is a brainwave entrainment pack featuring three sessions; Accelerated Healing Isochronic, Immune System Boost Isochronic and DNA Repair Isochronic Tone Session designed to bring you into a deep delta state of relaxation where the greatest healing, growth and regeneration occurs.

Accelerated Healing Brainwave Entrainment Session – 20 minutes

This is a deep and powerful 20 minute brainwave entrainment session using a combination of isochronic and monaural tones, designed to take you into a deep delta state. This will promote deep sleep for rest and repair with an increase in melatonin production and pineal gland activation.

Immune System Boost Isochronic Session – 40 minutes

This powerful 40 minute brainwave entrainment session will take you from your alert state through to theta and then delta states of awareness which will promote sleep and melatonin production by pineal stimulation. Focus on the colour violet/indigo and relax to prepare your body to rest and repair.

DNA Repair Isochronic Tone Session – 7 minutes

Deep meditative relax brainwave entrainment session will bring your mind to a delta state where DNA repair and growth can occur.

There is an ancient Yoga technique known as Pranayama that dramatically enhances the benefits of the mediation.

What Is Brainwave Entrainment?

You may have heard of the term brainwave entrainment. This is the use of pulses of sound to help your brain to achieve a particular shift in consciousness. Fast pulses of sound cause your brain to shift its baseline frequency. The idea of a brainwave entrainment session is to leave your brain in the desired state. Alpha is for relaxation and creativity, Theta is the realm of dreams, and Delta is the pattern for deep sleep. Types of pulses range from the use of binaural beats, monaural beats and isochronic tones. We mainly use the most effective of these three types of tones for brainwave entrainment., isochronic tones. Unlike binaural beats you do not need to use headphones and they can be applied to any sound source. But headphones do enhance the effect. The unique style of the music pieces we have created combined with the isochronic pulses means you receive a fast acting effect so you don’t have to listen for hours and hours to a repetive annoying sound to get the same effect. An alpha sessions is provided to help stimulate creativity. Theta and delta sessions are provided to help your mind relax into deep meditative states where you can connect with the divine cosmic light and receive the guidance that will manifest your dreams into a reality. Theta and delta are also useful for promoting deep R.E.M sleep where healing takes place.