
Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin 2015

2015-01-24 5 Dailymotion

Steven Wagner - Stevan Vagner, Podrum COLLEGIUM MELODIUM, World music museum in BELGRADE, GREAT ZORICA and M. Trninic, present "These Boots Are Made for Walkin'" a pop song written by Lee Hazlewood and recorded by Nancy Sinatra. It was released on February 22, 1966, and hit No. 1 in the United States Billboard Hot 100 and in the UK Singles Chart.
Subsequently, many cover versions of the song have been released in a range of styles: metal, pop, rock, punk rock, country, dance, and industrial. Loretta Lynn, Jessica Simpson, Geri Halliwell, Megadeth, Jewel, Operation Ivy, Parquet Courts, and KMFDM also released covers of the song. Преводилац
Otrgnuto od zaborava
Stari Rock Majstori pod jednim imenom okupljaju više od trideset Rock and Roll heroja 60ih godina, među kojima su Branko Gluščević, Dragan Dadi Stojanović, Predrag Duda Lukić, Novak Nova Dragović, Božidar Lari Plesničar, Zoran Simovski, Bojan Drndić, Vlada Čežek, Vladimir Janković Džet i brojni drugi…
Na inicijativu Milutina Trninića, advokata po vokaciji i muzičara u duši, stara garda prvih i istinskih idola bivše Jugoslavije, našla se u studiju posle više od 50 godina!
Umesto ploče, ovoga puta su snimili CD Otrgnuto od zaborava – kompilaciju sa 25 obrada najvećih svetskih hitova 60-ih, ali i bonus pesmu – neobjavljenu numeru Zlatnih dečaka iz 1965.
“U studio Kazablanka ušli smo u oktobru 2013. Počeli smo sa snimanjem pesama iz vremena kad se na talasima Radio Beograda emitovala prva emisija posvećena rok muzici, kultni Sastanak u devet i pet. Ovu emisiju, koja je bila inspiracija za sve nas, vodio je Nikola Karakljajić, a kasnije nasledio legendarni Buca Mitrović. Prva numera na disku je South of The Border, ovekovečena kao špica Sastanka”, objašnjava Milutin, producent CD-a Otrgnuto od zaborava.
On ističe i da veruje da duh koji je tih godina obeležio muzičku scenu Beograda nije nestao, kao i da će svako ko je slušao “Sastanak u devet i pet” poželeti da čuje zvuke numera uz koje je prvi put poljubio neku dragu osobu, uz koje još uvek može da pevuši, ali i da pleše!
Snatched from oblivion
The Old Rock Masters gather under one name more than thirty Rock and Roll heroes of the 60s, including Branko Gluščević, Dragan Stojanovic Dadi, Duda Predrag Lukić, Novak Nova Dragovic, Bozidar Lari Plesničar, Zoran Simovski, Bojan Drndić Government Čežek, Vladimir Janković jet and many others ...
At the initiative of Milutin Trninic, a lawyer by profession and a musician at heart, the old guard and the first true idol of the former Yugoslavia, she found herself in the studio after more than 50 years!Instead of plates, this time they recorded a CD ripped from oblivion - compilation with 25 processing the world's biggest hits of the 60s, but the bonus song - unreleased track from the golden boy in 1965.
"In the studio we entered Casablanca in October 2013. We started recording songs from the time when the waves broadcast by Radio Belgrade's first show dedicated to rock