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Jam "Evil"1976 Dutch Private Psych Folk

2015-01-22 106 Dailymotion

Jam "From The Road" 1976 Dutch Private Psych Folk.



Michael (English) & Jacques (French) where two adventures who travelled around the world.In 1976 they launded in Holland,where they stayed in province of Limburg for a while.Jan de Kroon a traveller himself,workede in a folk-pub named "Warm en Still" in these days,& he offered Jaques & Michael a place who were they could stay.
"Warm en Still" was the place where folk minded people came & where one could listen to quiet romantic folk-records & live-performances,in a cosy athmosphere.Michael & Jack had already made a tape of their music,but as soon as they started to play live,the people were fascinated by the extraordinary musical qualities of the duo. Jaques especially impressed the people,tuning his quitar into a complete different key while he was playing.His sound was comparable to the sound of three quitars,playing together,you could see him play but you simply couldn`t understand how one guy could produce such a compact sound.Jan de Kroon decided to put all he money into this project & with his financia! help "from the road" was recorded in Germany & released in Holland.500 copies were pressed & all sold the southern part of the Netherlands during the gigs.After a while Jacques & Michael became restless again & they left fot another country,trying to make some money to enjoy the good things of life.A postcard from USA a few years after they had left Holland is all that was left,together with the lp.
Since 1978 nobody knows about their whereabouts,probably they are still travelling Cafe "Warm en Still" doesn`t exist anymore..

Jacques Leglise .....acoustic quitar
Michael Green ......vocal,bluesharp..

A1 Road Song
A2 Resolution
B1 Evil
B2 Slap-Happy