
AphoenixD – Amazing 3D Paper Sculptures by Calvin Nicholls

2015-01-20 219 Dailymotion

AphoenixD – Amazing 3D Paper Sculptures by Calvin Nicholls

Calvin Nicholls is a Canadian artist who makes absolutely incredible paper sculptures. These breathtaking compositions, mainly representing animals. Individual pieces are traced from the detail drawing and then transferred to the actual paper used in the sculpture.
Cuts are made with scalpels and x-acto knives on a plastic cutting mat or cutting board. Small scissors can work if you go slow and cut in very smooth motions. Use a very small amount of glue on a toothpick – too much will ripple the paper. Attach the pieces starting at the tip of the tail and work up – just like shingles on a roof.

----- AphoenixD -----
via YouTube Capture & Apple iMovie

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