
Show of the Week: Saints Row Gat Out of Hell and 5 Times Saints Row Did a Better Job Than GTA

2015-01-18 15 Dailymotion

When the President is sucked into hell by a ouija board, Saints Row 4 goes to the hot place for standalone expansion Gat Out of Hell, with Saints Row series mainstays Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kensington riding to the rescue.

Show of the Week eyes up this Saints Row 4 'expandalone', which is available to download from January 20 (US) and January 23 (Europe) on Xbox 360 and PS3.

Xbox One and PS4 owners, on the other hand, can get hold of it bundled with Saints Row 4: Re-Elected. which contains Saints Row 4 jazzed up for the new consoles plus Gat Out of Hell on the side.


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