
New groundbreaking relativity theory by Dr.Mohammed Faig Abad Alrazak, Grand Relativity beyond Einstein Relativity

2015-01-12 46 Dailymotion

About the Author
Consultant surgeon, Philosopher, Human rights activist and Independent researcher in Theoretical astrophysics.
Kingship Ascension, Noble Quest, Diwan of The Time, Grand Relativity, Essence of words, Dreams &destiny, The Intelligent Hybrid, The Pure Adamite Race, The Great Universal Spin, Psychological and physiological Retrogression of Mankind.The Universal Compartments. Kingship Ascension; the book is based on the theory the" Intelligent Hybrid",The journey in this book is a unique account for the new age in our History. The pages of this book and for the first time does disclose the truth about the real origin of human being, the reason for our existence, human behaviors, beliefs, our destiny. Diwan of the Time; this book contains the art of mind and soul through quotations and a unique art designs. Noble Quest, the art of thoughts and artistic work, enlightening the journey of deep philosophical quotes. Diwan of the time, a journey inside the human soul, nature of human behavior and mystery of life. It is an inspiration for understanding yourself and others through quotes, artful expression and noble ideas which summarized the understanding of life and destiny. Essence of Words; the inspirational words and sentences in Essence of Words provides you with the feeling of delight from the art of thoughts, quotes and the warmth of poems. Great minds have composed symphonies from motivational sentences which remain embedded in the memory of History. Grand relativity; is a scientific book with a collection of theories in different fields of life and science. Some of these theories are a breakthrough theories in the scientific world like the Grand relativity theory, which is the grand theory beyond Einstein relativity theories. The Intelligent Hybrid; the secret origin of human beings which was hidden for millions of years, is revealed in this theory. The Pure Adamite Race; This theory discloses these questions and discovers the sequence of linkage to modern humans and other questions always on our mind about ourselves and other mankind. The Great Universal Spin; the universe was created by the great cosmic twister and not by the Big Bang as being told. Psychological and physiological Retrogression of Mankind; Mankind's existence is on the verge of extinction since the signs for his retrogression have already started according to this theory.