
Advanced Drum Lesson - Linear Drum Fill 02

2015-01-07 514 Dailymotion

More info @ http://www.kevoshea.com/fillingtime.html

Had a request for some flipped videos so right-handers can view it more easily. More to come...

This is an example of some of the styles covered in the book. Be sure to follow the links for more transcriptions.

Filling Time Drum Book is for both right-handed players as well as left-handed players.

Take your drumming to the next level...

Visit http://www.kevoshea.com/fillingtime.html for more information

Or if you'd like the transcription of this beat go to http://www.kevoshea.com/lessons.html

Drum Fills
Drum Beats
Linear Drumming
Odd Time Signatures
Bass Drum Technique
Hand Technique
Drum Rudiment Application
Gospel Chops
Linear Drum Fills
Drum Lessons
Drum Book
Drumming Book
200+ MP3 Playalongs

Kick Hat Snare 01 (flipped vid) | Advanced Drum Lessons

Visit http://www.kevoshea.com/fillingtime.html

Dave Abbruzzese Larry Aberman Matt Abts Alex Acuña Daniel Adair Chris Adler Steven Adler Morgan Agren Airto Tommy Aldridge Steve Alexander Tim Alexander Rashied Ali Don Alias Carl Allen Cliff Almond Barry Altschul Robby Ameen Scott Amendola Animal Charly Antolini Carmine Appice Vinny Appice Kenny Aronoff Billy Ashbaugh Al Ashley Mick Avory Babatunde Marcel Bach Donald Bailey Ginger Baker Jeff Ballard Alex Bally Paul Barbarin Joe La Barbera Travis Barker Barriemore Barlow Joey Baron Julio Barreto Ray Barretto Ray Bauduc Eddie Bayers Marcus Baylor Frank Beard Carter Beauford Poogie Bell Louie Bellson Frank Bellucci Charlie Benante Brian Bennett Han Bennink Joe Bergamini Tal Bergman Jon Bermuda Schwartz Ignacio Berroa Denzil Best Pete Ray Biggin Curt Bisquera Gregg Bissonette Jason Bittner Roger Biwandu Dave Black James Black Cindy Blackman Ed Blackwell John Blackwell Brian Blade Hal Blaine Art Blakey Michael Bland Craig Blundell Jason Bonham John Bonham Gergo Borlai Paul Bostaph Terry Bozzio Terry Branam Dirk Brand Jimmy Branly Tom Brechtlein Don Brewer Gulli Briem Gerry Brown Bill Bruford Ronald Bruner Jr. Jack Bruno Mark Brzezicki Roy Burns William Calhoun Matt Cameron Clayton Cameron Gorden Campbell Teddy Campbell Tommy Campbell Emmanuelle Caplette Danny Carey Keith Carlock Bun E. Carlos Karen Carpenter Eric Carr Terri Lyne Carrington Joey Castillo Lenny Castro Deen Castronovo Big Sid Catlett André Ceccarelli Dave DiCenso Gary Chaffee Matt Chamberlain Stephane Chamberland Jimmy Chamberlin Dennis Chambers Joe Chambers Ndugu Chancler Jim Chapin Gary Chester Jon Christensen Kenny Clare Greg Clark Mike Clark Kenny Clarke Tommy Clufetos Jimmy Cobb Billy Cobham Vinnie Colaiuta Cozy Cole Chris Coleman Cora Coleman-Dunham Tony Coleman Grant Collins Phil Collins Bobby Colomby Aaron Comess Craig Connet Luis Conte Randy Cooke Tré Cool Ray Cooper Stewart Copeland Mike Cosgrove Paulinho Da Costa Kirk Covington Mark Craney René Creemers Peter Criss Adam Cruz Abe Cunningham Mickey Curry Andrew Cyrille Nick D'Virgilio Paulinho Da Costa Brann Dailor Dino Danelli Zach Danziger Flo Dauner C