
Nanak was the Second coming of Jesus. Golden Temple = Holiest of Holy. Amrit Srovar = Bethsada Pool of Mercy.

2015-01-04 50 Dailymotion

Nanak was the Second coming of Jesus. Golden Temple = Holiest of Holy. Amrit Srovar = Bethsada Pool of Mercy.

Hi Brethren,

Jesus was the Second Adam and it is clearly implied in his Hebrew name YeShua or YeShiva; Ye = Yahweh, the demiurge god of Nature, the creator of male and female in flesh and Shua or Shiva stands for the Adam or Jesus was the Second Adam and as earth cannot have the generations of two Adam but One, so he came as a Floating Adam that the Word had taken flesh in the name of Jesus to live among us. Word or Spirit or Christ is a Quality or Title and it cannot exist of its own as it needs a flesh that people can see and address him as Christ (Title or His Word that was in the beginning and forever) Jesus, the name of physical body that was born, lived among us, died and rose on Third Day. It was Resurrection as demonstrated by Jesus in his Friend Lazarus.

Now, John, the Baptist baptised only the Jewish men in water in the name of Abraham and he proclaimed that one coming after me would baptise you in Holy Spirit. So, Christ Jesus baptised the Eleven Labourers after expelling Judas Iscariot for loving Mammon more than God at Last Supper, He first entertained them into His Father's House by washing their feet, which the proud and arrogant Pharisee Simon didn't but Mary Magdalene did with EXTREME LOVE OF JESUS with her tears and dried them with her honourable head hair meaning throwing her worldly honour at the Feet of Jesus in appreciation of Gospel that she received earlier. Then, the Eleven were taken to the Bridal Chamber and the Marriage Covenant was established by Breaking the Living Bread, the Words that came out of the Mouth of Jesus, which is eating the Flesh of Jesus or hearing the Gospel with your ears and then Jesus took the glass of Wine that represents the Blood of Christ to be drank or the Gospel is to be proclaimed in honour of Christ as if on marriage a virgin is no more a Miss but she becomes Mrs. Christ Jesus and represents Him in the business of Proclaiming Gospel on behalf or in honour of her Husband Christ Jesus. The Apostles remained Solitary Virgin Brides of Jesus but producing Solitary Virgin Brides for our Father in honour of Christ Jesus, which are called the Wives of Jesus. Jesus came as "FLOATING" second Adam leaving no mark on the earth or Foxes have holes to rest their heads but the Son of Man Jesus or YeShua had none. No grave or physical mark but His Spiritual Mark, the Gospel for us to appreciate. Let them hear who have spiritual Ears of Discerning intellect.

More on my website or watch over 4200 Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1. End of the world is predicted in Matt. 13v24-30, the Parable of Wheat and Tares and the establishment of Israel is the Bundling up of the Tares. The Tares sowed the seed of Terrorism over 2000 years ago by killing Jesus and that seed has grown into a Big Huge Tree of Fanatics, which they will have to face. So, they sowed the seed of Terrorism and they will have to reap the Reward of their killing Jesus. Thus, you cannot blame a Third Person, which was proclaimed by his second coming Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji. He came in 1469 and Preached Gospel through Six Lights for over 150 years and there were Four Sachae Patshah or Royal Kings too making the total of Ten Lights.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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Playlist:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu
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