
Appraiser in West Linn - 503.781.5646 - A Quality Appraisal

2014-12-31 0 Dailymotion

http://www.aqualityappraisal.com/WestLinnAppraiser If you need a real estate appraiser in West Linn, Oregon, please consider A Quality Appraisal, LLC. Our company has a personal connection to the City of West Linn with our senior appraiser living in West Linn. We specialize in appraisals of homes for estate (date of death), divorce, and pre listing (appraisals before you sell). We appraise homes, vacant land, and multi-family properties up to four units. All of our appraisers work harder to make sure that our appraisal analysis is accurate. If you need a West Linn, Oregon appraiser to speak at your next event, our chief appraiser Gary F. Kristensen can help you with a presentation that fits your West Linn real estate interested audience. If you just want to know the value of your West Linn home, we have lower cost minimum scope appraisals that might work for you and fit your appraisal budget. Please trust us to value your West Linn home. For any questions about our West Linn appraisal services or to just talk to one of our West Linn appraisers, call 503-781-5646. To learn more about our company, visit our YouTube channel (Portland Oregon Real Estate Appraisal), or follow us at https://www.facebook.com/aqualityappraisalclackamas , or connect at http://www.linkedin.com/pub/gary-kristensen/21/941/87 .
Appraiser in West Linn, Oregon