
Leftists Fail to Troll Denver Police

2014-12-19 45 Dailymotion

This is why raising your children to be critical thinkers and critical consumers of information is so important.

Without such guidance, they are vulnerable to especially left wing propaganda that by design pelts Western youth, turning their attitudes against their countries, forefathers, culture and nation. They think police are plotting against minority groups to keep them down because they haven't been exposed to other possible explanations for why people are as they are in the world --- they think it's all a big white conspiracy theory.

And once indoctrinated enough like in this video, you see them willfully faking and pretending to be victims of police abuse while they scream vitriol into the officers' ears and are not touched in spite of their obvious attempts to provoke an angry reaction. They intentionally cause mayhem with the police in front of the cameras, even looking at the camera while doing so, apparently thinking nobody sees right through them and what they're doing.

In time, protest dies out and disperses when the police don't bite.