
7 Horrible Gifts You Can't Even Regift (in Videogames)

2014-12-18 1 Dailymotion

They say it's the thought that counts, but they are wrong idiots. There are good gifts and there are rubbish gifts which make your life as the recipient measurably worse, especially in videogames. Consider these seven horrible presents you can't stick on eBay or regift, except to your enemies, and even then you'll look like a cheapskate.

Pity the birthday boy or girl in Fallout 3 who, to celebrate ten years of eking out a childhood in a bomb shelter, receives a poem predicting his or her miserable life and eventual death. It's nearly as bad for Bully's Jimmy Hopkins, who receives a Christmas jumper so ugly it generates a kind of humiliation field around the wearer. Thanks, Mum?


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