
Drinking and Driving: Sadiki Fuller Drink and Drive Jokes - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 30 Dailymotion

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Sadiki Fuller, a hilariously entertaining comedy comedian tells drunk driving jokes for those that drink and drive. His drink and drive jokes are to help us better prepare ourselves for situations of getting pulled over. As a drink and drive joke, he humored us with what we can look forward to if a cop ever pulls you over. Sadiki Fuller tells us a drunk driving joke about the breathalyzer. Not only is it bad getting pulled over for drinking and driving but to have the breathalyzer used on you is even worse, just don't drink and drive. His drunk driving jokes mostly involves how to was handled by the cops after getting pulled over. For a drunk driving joke, he demonstrated how we might be able to elude the cops, when caught for drinking and driving. Sadiki Fuller's drink and drive jokes are backward flipping funny! For more great comedy from other comedians like Sadiki Fuller, please subscribe to StandUpBits!