
One Night Stand: Claude Stuart Tells a One Night Stand Joke! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 27 Dailymotion

Claude Stuart jokes about one night stands. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

Claude mentions that he is dyslexic in this bit, so I may decide to write in a way to make it easier for him. He talks about an incident after a one night stand. For those of you who do not know what a one stand night is, it is when one spends the night with someone and never hears from them again. A one nigh stand may be shallow, but a one stand night could be very stress relieving. If its cool with both partners for the night, one nights stands actually may be a real good idea, because all it is, is an activity. One nights stands are just as normal as...bowling. I take that back, stand one nights are a lot more normal than bowling, no one goes bowling anymore. That was a one night stand joke, I hope you liked it. More one night stand jokes are made in this bit, and Claude Stuart certainly knows how to tell them. It sounds like Claude is an expert on stand one night and it shows in his one night stand jokes. I remember I went to Vegas once, and I know I am not supposed to say anything, so lets keep this a secret, but I met an escort named Stand. That was one night in stand I will never forget. Just like "One Night In Paris" was a big hit, I bet one night in stand would have been just as big. That was another one night stand joke, to be honest, I am not good at telling these jokes, so I will leave it up to Claude. For more hilarious jokes, and to increase your daily funny please subscribe to StandUpBits!