
Mexican Joke: Frank Lucero Tells Jokes About Mexicans! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 28 Dailymotion

Frank Lucero jokes about Mexicans. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

I am not Mexican, but when I hear Frank Lucero tell a Mexican joke, I immediately feel a little Mexican. The reason I say that is due to the fact that he does an amazing job at tell a Mexican joke, he makes it easy for the audience to feel for him. I really want to speak Spanish so I can tell Mexicans joke about things, or understand a Mexicans joke who only speak Spanish, but that's why we have Rosetta stone. I have quite a few friends who are Mexican, and a lot of them are friends with each other...they tell a lot of Mexicans jokes around me, usually pointing in my direction...I just wished I could understand them so I could laugh along. The Mexicans jokes must be funny, because they laugh a lot! I never realized this until, well a couple of my friends brought this to my attention, there are such things as joke Mexican. I had no idea joke Mexicans existed...they are essentially white people who act like a Mexican person. First of all, I had no idea these people existed, and second of all...all Mexican people are different so how could jokes Mexican people exist? Whatever the case is, jokes Mexican people do exist...apparently from my friends...wait, maybe they are talking about me, and I'm at the end of all of the jokes Mexicans are telling. Nah, that's got to be wrong. The only way I can find out though, is by learning Spanish and listening to the jokes Mexicans say. Hmm, I wonder if they tell jokes about Mexicans, or jokes about white people, or jokes about work, or jokes about the mayor...oh well. If you want to hear more jokes about Mexicans, and other hilarious comedy, please subscribe to StandUpBits! And increase your daily funny!