
Premiere The Red Tent Season 1 Episode 1 Part 1 HD Quality Streaming Online

2014-12-11 133 Dailymotion

Want to get streaming free? only today you can get it here http://x.co/5ysw0 The Red Tent Season 1 Episode 1 [*Part 1*]
Airs , at 9:00pm
Network Lifetime
{Drama} {Mini Series}
Actors :
[Rebecca Ferguson] as [Dinah]
[Minnie Driver] as [Leah]

Episode PlotThe first part of The Red Tent covers mostly familiar territory to those who have perused Genesis. It begins with Jacob coming to work for his uncle Laban where he meets and marries Laban’s two daughters, Leah and Rachel. After fathering twelve sons as well as Dinah, Jacob returns to his childhood home to reconcile with his brother Esau, whom Jacob had previously cheated out of his birthright. That's where the story of Dinah’s rape occurs.