
Star Wars, Terminator, Jurassic World: Battle of the Trailers - CineFix Now Roundtable

2014-12-09 12 Dailymotion

We’re back from the Thanksgiving Break with another CineFix Roundtable, and in the meantime, the trailers for Star Wars, Jurassic World, and Terminator: Genisys have made major splashes. We ask the all-important question: Who won?

The CineFix team engages in a highly scientific debate to determine which trailer won, and which one lost, taking into consideration such subtle criteria as raptor motorcycle gangs, aging Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Millennium Falcon appearances.

Oh, and we also discuss the Suicide Squad, and other important issues concerning the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Which of these trailers changed your anticipation level the most? Are you going to see Star Wars, Jurassic World, or Terminator Genisys opening weekend? Did any of these trailers make you less enthusiastic about the movies in question?

Let us know in the comments below!

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