We live in a world of extreme paradoxes where good has become bad, light has turned dark, life has become death and laughs have turned into tears. Similarly Police officers who were once regarded as guardians of civil society have become the biggest threat to civilians instead. What was once regarded as a respectable and honourable profession has become one of the most hated, despised and detested.
They are corrupt, they are bigots , they are supremacists, they are racists, they believe they have a God given right to do whatever they deem fit even if it is murder of innocent people. They use excessive force, they beat people to death with batons. Whether a person is a child or an elder, it doesn't matter to them in the least. They commit heinous crimes like murders, rapes, physical assaults and other acts of violence in the name of law. Police today behaves like a crime syndicate where anything is possible.
But this situation is not the result of a few corrupt and rotten individuals, all this has been done by design. This has been done to keep the masses in a perpetual state of fear and panic. And the reason is simple, a scared, panic stricken and fearful citizen is less likely to question the government about their misdeeds.
This song performed by Rob Hustle which also features Bump, portrays the above mentioned facts with hip hop and video clips. It's a good song and I hope you will enjoy it. I got this video from Piratebay which is single handedly fighting tyranny to maintain freedom of Internet.
Support the Piratebay in this fight and keep the utopia we know as Internet free from the grip of tyranny.