
Learn Sri Vidya Sadhana & Meditation from Self- realized Master Siddha Guru Atmananda Ji -2

2014-12-02 1 Dailymotion

A state of “pure awareness” is what meditation is all about. That is the reason why meditation is “practiced” and not “done”, so that one day the person can remain in that unbroken continuum of pure awareness. Meditation has never truly happened to you, as long as you go in and out of meditation.

When a person practices to be in that unbroken continuum of pure awareness, he realizes that he in fact is that pure awareness and all his shortfalls are just because of his inclinations towards his mind and heart. When he establishes in this notion and experiences a pure unbroken continuum of cosmic awareness as himself, he is called “the awakened one”.

Ancient seers believed that, “A man who lost his identity is god and god who has gained an identity is man”. In simple words, man is consciousness entrapped in time and space. Time and space have opposite polarity, but are made up of the same consciousness, created just to localize itself. Electricity is universal, it is everywhere and to localize or trap itself, it needs polarity (+/-), which of course is made up of electricity itself. Time is the identifying factor and space is the substratum and so time forms the mind and space forms the heart. Space and consciousness are actually synonyms because space without time can only be defined geometrically, as a circle. A set of points in a plane that are equidistant from a given point, but if we observe, every point in itself is a circle. So space is made up of tiny space and if it is micro space or macro space doesn’t actually matter because it is the same space with same attributes. Ancient seers said “Kalo Hi Balavan Kartaha” meaning, time alone is the most powerful doer. Time is a doer on the substratum of space as an identifying factor and it identifies everything as polarity, positive and negative etc.

God or pure awareness is absolutely still and absolutely vibration less. Matter alone vibrates. The more dense the matter, the greater the vibration. Activity or vibration means an oscillation between two opposite conditions or polarities. There cannot be two opposite conditions in that one supreme God. If that is so, the unchanging God would be forever changing. We all have to remember that through God change happens, but God himself does not change. From macro space, consciousness arises and from consciousness, time and micro space arises, but this space is for localizing consciousness by the help of time. Between two poles of a battery there is an equilibrium and that equilibrium is always halfway between the positive and negative poles. Consider a bar magnet, you see a positive pole on one end and a negative pole on the other. The positive and negative poles will pick up nails because they are active, changing, and conditioned with electric power; but they are centered by still magnetic light. The activity expressed at the ends is borrowed from the stillness of the equilibrium which centers them. The principle of the fulcrum and lever applies here as it does to all vibrating waves. All of the power expressed by the moving lever is in the fulcrum. The fulcrum never moves, but the lever always moves.

So the true goal in spirituality is to stop the mind’s functioning or Chitta Vrutti as our seers say. It really is half-knowledge to think that running behind so-called punya, positivity, or energy is good. It is like you are limited by what you conceive, perceive, and define. Of course, it is better to have positivity as a limitation than negativity, but any limitation one day has to be broken. True creativity or excellence are not manufactured in the factory of the mind, but they naturally emerge out of consciousness in the setting of a non-disturbing still mind.
