
爸爸去哪儿第二季-第11集-Dad Where Are We Going S02E11:熊爸玩漂流 萌娃当爹妈-Kids Become Parents-【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20140829

2014-12-02 21 Dailymotion

【湖南卫视爸爸去哪儿2 - 本期精彩】本周萌娃任务难度系数大升级,今晚孩子们将在甘肃站上演萌娃带萌娃喂奶、换­尿布、洗衣服、喂饭、逗乐,费曼、贝儿、多多、羊羊羊、姐姐、joe 会如何养成萌爸萌妈呢? 另外,老爸们横渡黄河,羊皮筏子+真心话大冒险玩得不亦乐乎!各种猛料接连曝出,爸爸­们为何面露难色?又是什么问题让大家哭笑不得?
Hunan TV's popular series "Dad, Where Are We Going" EP Highlight: This week’s mission has become harder for the kids. They have to try to become parents and from change diapers to feed babies, how will they accomplish the mission in teams? As for dads, they have to multitask by crossing the river and play truth or dare with special insider stories!


Hunan TV's most popular show series "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 2 finally arrives! The show features 5 celebrity dads bringing their lovely kids to go on a new travel adventure to let dad and child learn and love each other more. "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 2 will definitely crack you up all the time, while making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Celebrity dads and kids featured in Season 2 include Hong Kong actor Francis Ng and son Feynman, Huang Lei and daughter Duo Duo, Lu Yi and daughter Bei Er, Gary Chao and his 2 kids, Joe and Grace, and Yang Wei and son Yang Yang Yang.

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