In this edition: web users react to the grand jury decision in the controversial Michael Brown shooting; outrage over the suicide of a student nurse in India; and rally driver and controlled skid specialist Ken Block in Los Angeles.
Darren Wilson, the white police officer who shot dead unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9 will not be facing criminal charges … after months of deliberation, the twelves members of the Grand Jury reached their decision on Monday November 24, determining there was no probable cause to file any indictment against the police officer. The news has drawn heated reaction online and across the United States.
As we can see from these images that have been doing the rounds online, many have taken to the streets in several large cities in the U.S. to voice their outrage over the decision, which they say is a denial of justice. Spontaneous rallies have been staged in New York City, Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, Seattle and also Oakland, with thousands gathering, shocked by the grand jury decision.
Tensions have been high, and some demonstrations descended into violence; riots erupted in Ferguson for example with protesters vandalizing street furniture and store fronts, looting and even setting fire to police vehicles. Riot police were unable to quell the violence despite being deployed en masse to the Missouri city.
And while some have taken their anger to the streets, others have been sharing their grievances on social media. The vast majority of posts denounce a legal farce, a travesty of justice and pledge to continue to campaign for justice for Michael Brown. The movement has support from informal hacker group Anonymous ; just a few ... Go on reading on our web site.
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