
Stray Dog Follow Team During Grueling Race

2014-11-25 637 Dailymotion

After receiving a meatball from one of the players, a dog followed the Swedish Adventure Race Team on its trek through the jungle.

Dogs are known to be loyal companions, and for one canine, that meant undertaking part of a 430-mile journey.

The amazing story unfolded during the Adventure Racing World Championship in Ecuador which is one of the worlds most grueling physical competitions.

Before the start of one of the stages, the exhausted Swedish team, Peak Performance, was catching a quick bite from their canned meat supply.

Noticing a stray dog nearby, one of the athletes threw a meatball its way.

From then on, the dog wouldn't leave their side.

Not only did he follow them on that 20 mile trek through the jungle, but he insisted on following them on a 36 mile kayak stage. The team tried to leave him behind, but he jumped into the water and swam beside them.

They put him in one of their kayaks, and from then on he was part of the group.

The grueling championship race involves biking, hiking and kayaking through difficult terrain. The dog, which the team named Arthur, participated in it the rest of it with his newfound friends.

The group finished 12th, and upon completion Arthur required veterinary care and a good bath.

He was adopted by the athlete who originally gave him the meatball, and after a nail-biting wait for permission from authorities, he was finally brought to his new home in Sweden.