
Five Women, 500 Pounds and a Year of Losing It

2014-11-22 1 Dailymotion

Advance Reviews for ANGRY FAT GIRLS

Another in-your-face title is ANGRY FAT GIRLS: 5 Women, 500 Pounds, and a Year of Losing ItAgain by Frances Kuffel. Kuffel wrote Passing for Thin, a memoir about a midlife weight loss of 188 pounds, only to begin regaining the weight before the book was even published. Angry Fat Girls grew out a blog she wrote with four other women in the same situation. The title may be sassy, and Kuffel does have a witty way with words, but the text itself is moving and honest.

- from "You Kiss Your Nutritionist with that Mouth," PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, December 7, 2009