

2014-11-25 941 Dailymotion

TEST YOUR FILM KNOWLEDGE! Francis Ford Coppola is one of the most iconic filmmakers in cinema history. His filmography is long, but we've collected all of his directorial credits in under 4 minutes! Can you name them all?

Francis Ford Coppola may be best known for the Godfather trilogy, but he has dozens of feature film directorial credits. Take a brief tour through almost 5 decades of filmmaking, right here on CineFix!

We're giving you the chance to test your Coppola IQ - how many of his movies can you recognize by sight? If you're having trouble, check out the answer key here:

Welcome to Every BLANK Movie, where we give you a quick look at the entire career of some of film's most prestigious talents. Directors, performers, and other artists, we'll put your film history savvy to the test!

How'd you do on this little quiz? Did you recognize most of these scenes from Coppola's works? Or did you need to peek at the answers? What's your favorite Coppola movie? What other filmmakers would you like to see us give the Every BLANK Movie treatment?

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