
Eric Cockrell - To Change...

2014-11-10 1 Dailymotion

i've had half a dozen
or more sets of people
come in today talking
about going back to a
more self-sufficient
people paying off their
accounts, not making purchases.
people buying pigs, chickens,
goats... going to plant
big gardens.
this has been going on for
the last month ot two.

people watching the gas situation,
the rise of food prices.. sky
high electric bills...

young people moving back in
with their families... old
people going back to old ways.

we are not as blind as our
government would like to believe.
lies and illusions wont cut
it anymore.

too much debt, too much corruption,
too much greed... and they try
to silence anyone who raises a
voice in opposition.

things have to change. it cannot
go on the way it is. the only
hope we have is to become less
dependent on government, on the
choices of the elite, on society...

let our dependence be in our families,
in ourselves, and in each other.
forget about wants, and meet needs.

to change...

Eric Cockrell
